Wrong-way driver kills four on I-95
Four passengers were killed in a fatal car accident along I-95 near Miami on April 3. The cause of the crash: A police chase initiated by a 25-year--old driver who was seen throwing a weapon from his SUV. The suspect turned onto a ramp for I-95 South, even though he was heading north through the Miami area. The resulting head-on collision with a minivan killed all four people inside.
Authorities reported that the grisly crash caused one passenger to be ejected from the vehicle, while two of the others were stuck inside the vehicle. A fourth victim was transported separately. All were pronounced dead at the scene. The identities of the victims were not yet released to the public.
The collision, which occurred at about 1:30 a.m., closed a section of the expressway until about 9 a.m., according to official reports. The offending driver survived the accident, though both of his legs were broken. He was transported to the Jackson Memorial Hospital shortly after the crash, and investigators say he is cooperating with their efforts.
Officers at the scene said the crash was one of the worst they had ever witnessed. The engine of the at-fault driver's SUV was entirely ejected from the vehicle, showing the excessive amounts of force present during the collision. The battery and frame of the man's SUV were also destroyed, according to accident reports.
Wrong-way collisions tend to be among the most deadly, largely because of the potential for head-on crashes. The power and force generated in such crashes often lead to fatal wounds. Relatives of the victims in this case could seek financial compensation for wrongful death from the driver himself. They could also sue the police department that participated in the high-speed chase; the pursuit could have violated protocol, for instance, or unnecessarily endangered the public. It is not yet clear whether family members intend to file civil suits in connection with the case.
Source: ABC World News, "Wrong-way highway driver kills four in Florida cop chase," Kevin Dolak, April 3, 2013