Florida bicyclist killed in hit-and-run crash
Police are currently investigating the wrongful death of a 36-year-old Florida bicyclist after he was killed in a hit-and-run truck accident. Sadly, such accidents are not uncommon in Florida, as a 2010 non-profit study revealed that the state has the highest number of bicyclists killed by carsand trucks.
According to police reports, the victim was leaving a convenience store not long after midnight when a truck hit the front of his bicycle, causing him to be thrown onto the shoulder of the road. The truck was traveling southbound in the same lane as the bicyclist, who was traveling north. The truck's driver then allegedly fled the scene. The victim's body remained on the shoulder for almost two hours following the crash before being discovered by a patrol vehicle from the Department of Transportation.
The bicyclist carried his backpack with him everywhere, initially leading police to believe he was homeless. However, officials soon discovered that he was within two miles of his home when he died. His sister said that her family was heartbroken when they learned of the victim's death. She expressed disbelief that the driver did not stop to help her brother. She continued, stressing that he was devoted to his family and was well-loved.
Police say the 54-year-old suspect turned in his vehicle to a county sheriff's office. The truck is currently being processed by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. The suspect reportedly requested a lawyer when investigators called him for questioning. He does not yet face any charges.
Source: Orlando Sentinel, "Bicyclist killed in hit-and-run crash in Seminole," Arelis R. Hernandez, Aug. 21, 2011